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Sunday, 16 June 2013

refleksi 31

Knowledge is very important to us. Knowledge can improve our life. Every human should have knowledge to spend their live. I know that every moslem have obligation to search knowledge. There is no limit in searching knowledge, so we should dedicate every moment in our life to searching the knowledge.

Anwar Rifa’i
Mathematics Education 2012
I do agree with Prof Marsigit, I also think that 2013 curriculum is needed but we just should called it the revision of 2006 curriculum. If we do it the conflict can more minimal.

Anwar Rifa’I
Mathematics Education 2012

Adult can’t force the student to like the mathematics. Teachers can’t say that their student like mathematics. Teacher can’t say that the proof of the formula of mathematics is very beautiful. Teachers should know that their position is not to give the knowledge to their student but to facilitate them. It will be dangerous if the teacher just force their mathematics to the student without gives them space to learn their own mathematics. That’s way we can conclude that the problem of teaching learning proses is not come from the younger but come from the adult.

 Anwar Rifa’i
Mathematics Education 2012
Teacher, who is poor in mathematics will also poor in teaching mathematics. It is true. But the good one in mathematics also can’t assure that he can teach mathematics well. Teachers that just know about pure mathematics will teach their students  by the pure mathematics. It is very dangerous for the student, because the younger should not learn the pure mathematics.  Nowadays many teachers think that their demonstration and their proof are beautiful. But it is not. Students, who learn pure mathematics will perceive that all mathematics are difficult and they will hate mathematics. They will also lose their creativity. It is actually not good for them. 

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