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Sunday, 16 June 2013

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Actually learning mathematics is interesting, but many people especially the adult make younger learn too much mathematics. It caused the younger hate mathematics. Because they perceive that mathematics is very difficult. For the younger learning mathematics should be interactive and should be interesting. Nowadays many young people seemed to be the victim of your older generation. The adult force the younger to learn pure mathematics. It is very dangerous for our young generation. Young generation will lost their creativity if that problem not solved.

Mathematics is the language in which God wrote the universe, so in other word we can say that mathematics is one of the simple words. In fact we need language to understand mathematics. We need word to teach mathematics to the younger. Mathematics and languages can not separated and they have a relationship. The point of the language is a communication so after learn mathematics, we must communicate well.

Anwar Rifa’i
Mathematics Education 2012

The arrogance can make people lose themselves. In conversation above I know that devil can influence people through their arrogance. Actually every people has his limit. He will never do everything. I think if human want to save from devil’s influence they should throw away their arrogance.

From article above I know that the worst sin is arrogant. People who have knowledge will never arrogant. The essential of goodness are first shy character, second is fair character, the third is knowing his fault, and the last is philanthropist. And the essential of the badness is sin, people who forget about his beyond, people who is lazy in his pray and the last is the arrogant people. 

Read Al Quran will bring a lot of benefit to us. Because Al Quran come from Alloh SWT. Al Quran contain guidance to human life. Because of that read AL Quran is very important to every moslem. We also should pray to god if we want to reach the heaven. I think every people want to reach the heaven, so we can follow this elegy to reach the heaven. 

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