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Sunday, 16 June 2013

Refleksi 6


Anwar Rifa'i
Mathematics Education 2012
Monism is philosophy that imply everything can be explained in one reality. In other definition monism is defined that everything back to the resource that different with them. Usually monism spare in three category first substantial monism, this monism believe that there is only one substance. The second is attributive monism that is believe that even though there is one substance but there are many reality of individual in this category. And the last is absolute monism, the monism that believe that there is one reality and there is one substance.
Anwar Rifa'i
Mathematics Education 2012
From link above I know that rationalism is interesting appearance for resource of knowledge. Rationalism usually known as a method that its right criteria based on deductive.
   adalah "setiap tampilan menarik bagi akal sebagai sumber pengetahuan atau pembenaran". Dalam istilah yang lebih teknis, ini adalah metode atau teori "di mana kriteria kebenaran tidak sensorik tetapi intelektual dan deduktif"

Anwar Rifa'i
Mathematics Education 2012
From link above I know that romanticism is artistic movement and intellectual that is using deep emotion as a resource esthetic experience. This concept used emotion like happiness, and sadness in confronting nature.


Anwar Rifa'i
Mathematics Education 2012
From article above I know that inductivism is method to learn something from special thing to the general thing. We have to make a conclusion from each special thing and arrange it into a general thing.  

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