Celery cultivation treatments
Do watering every morning and afternoon until one week old plants. After that the frequency of watering is done 2-3 times a week. Depending on weather conditions, the media try not too wet or dry.
For the cultivation of organic celery liquid organic fertilizer is very effective given as supplementary fertilizer. Liquid organic fertilizer sold in farm shops in different brands, or can also make your own. Please read how to make liquid organic fertilizer. In addition to liquid fertilizer can also be used as compost, manure or biological fertilizers.
Dilute liquid organic fertilizer before applied to plants. Usually 10 ml of liquid fertilizer diluted to 1 liter of water before use. For more khsususnya follow the instructions contained in the fertilizer packaging. Sprinkle the fertilizer that has been diluted with a dose of 100 ml per polybag. The frequency of fertilization is done every 1-2 weeks.
Celery cultivation in pots or polybags actually relatively rarely affected by pests or diseases. But the vast scale of celery cultivation attack encountered. No harm we know the types of pests and diseases.There are several pests that are often encountered in the cultivation of celery. Some of them are ground caterpillars, snails, mites or ticks. Pests can be eradicated by paying directly by hand. Especially for planting in a polybag.
While the types of diseases celery cultivation is Cercospora, Septoria spot and yellow daisies virus. To avoid these diseases attack, do prevention early. Prevention is done since the seed selection, maintaining garden sanitation and good fertilization.
If the disease attacks intensified, can be done with organic pesticide spraying. Please read about the disease control with an organic pesticide.
Cultivation harvest celery
Harvest cultivation of celery can be done many times. The first harvest usually occurs after the plant was 1-3 months after planting, depending on varieties. Celery is said to have maximum growth after the leaves are lush and child is a lot.
Celery is harvested by cutting the stem base periodically. The frequency of harvesting can be done 1-2 weeks. Harvest ended when growth is no longer productive tillers. Harvest can also be done with revoked.