Sheep can be raised in two ways, namely shepherd system and enclosure systems. How to sheep to shepherd system suitable only done in large tracts of land are still many forage. Today more rarely venture sheep grazing systems because of less efficient.
a. type of enclosure
For cattle sheep enclosure system, there are two types of cages, namely the colony cage and a single enclosure. Colony cage is a cage room inhabited by many sheep. The vast size 1 × 3 meter enclosure can accommodate up to 10 sheep.
While a single enclosure is every sheep occupies one cell room. The room is usually made to fit the body of a sheep. So the sheep can not be reversed, can only move forward, backward, fell down and stood up. Usually this type of enclosure as suitable for sheep fattening business.
b. equipment enclosure
Sheepfold must be equipped with a place to eat and drink enough. Places to eat sheep is called a trough, made trough size large enough to accommodate the needs of feed sheep. As for drinking adequately supplied plastic bucket.
c. cage structure
Cage structure, especially its main pillars should be made of material that is sturdy and strong, although simple. Because ram horns happy banging into the cage. The floor and walls of the sheepfold can be made from wood or bamboo. Floors should be made of lattice which has a distance to the ground base (having vault). This is to facilitate cleaning feces and urine of sheep.
For the cage roof, you should use a material that absorbs heat. Thatch or tile roofing is used to heat the area, while in the colder regions can use zinc or asbestos.