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Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Raising a Snapper Fish

Snapper is one of the most popular types of fish among the people of both the middle and upper classes. This situation resulted in the cultivation of snapper could be one option if we want to earn extra income.

Cultivation is often done by people there are two kinds of cultivation in order nursery that is the process to get the seeds of snapper and the second is the enlargement snapper for consumption.

In this article, we study the nursery will be a little snapper. This need to know if we are interested to become a producer of seed snapper.

Actually, we can obtain the seeds of aquatic environments snapper snapper habitat. Usually we can take the seeds that have been sized snapper five to ten centimeters. Snapper itself consists of several types of fish including red snapper and snapper usual. There is no particular difference in the two fish is in addition to the color but red snapper is more attractive to some. They reasoned that red snapper has a more savory flavor.

In order nursery seed we need to set a few things, one of which is a cage. Because the seed nursery snapper usually done using floating cages that size is not too large, the size of which is often used is 1 x 1 x 1 meter. Didederkan seed derived from Hall seeding with the size of 1.5-2 cm or about 30-50 days old.
For the size of cages that have been mentioned earlier, the amount of approximately 300-500 penebarannya tail. Maintenance snapper will last for approximately 2-3 months so that will have large enough seed when harvested, which is about 5-8 cm. With this size snapper will be ready to be stocked and cultivated in ponds.
Actually when didederkan again would be better, but the placement density snapper need a little reduced, ie 300-400 tail. If maintenance has been reached about 2-3 months, and the seeds have reached the age of 10 months or more, Snapper Fish will be better prepared to put into the pond.

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