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Sunday, 16 June 2013

Refleksi 2

Anwar Rifa'i
Mathematics Education 2012
Positivism shared by Auguste Comte in 1830. This concept have relation to verificationism. Positivism tell that the only authentic knowledge is scientific. This knowledge come from the affirmation of positive scientific theorem through the method.

Anwar Rifa'i
Mathematics Education 2012
From link that shared above I know that postmodernism first entering the dictionary of philosophy in 1979.the truth of Postmodernism can’t be defined. Postmodernism only can detect using concept like the difference, or repeating.

Analytic Philosophy
Anwar Rifa'i
Mathematics Education 2012
From link shared above I know that Analytic Philosophy is appear from wina philosopher. This concept refuse metaphysical. They claim that metaphysical has no responsibility specially the responsibility of science.


Anwar Rifa'i
Mathematics Education 2012
Capitalism is social concept that based on the individual due. Capitalism also known as economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market.
Anwar Rifa'i
Mathematics Education 2012
constructivism may be considered an epistemology ( a philosophical framework or theory of learning ) which argues humans construct meaning from current knowledge structures. In this concept student should construct their own knowledge. They can construct their main by interaction with their nature, object or their environment

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