‘silaturahmi’ is very important to us, because it will bring
composure to our heart. From article above I learn that ‘silaturahmi’ is very
important. Not only that but also sincere heart is very important. We should
not forget that god is very merciful, so we should always thanks to god.
From article above I learn that pray to god is very
important. As a human we should keep our pray and we should maintain our
praying time. We should work hard to reach the heaven. In this case we should
pray seriously. Not only that but also we should always repent our sin.
Nice article, from article above I learn that to reach the
heaven is not easy as we thought. But actually we can reach the heaven by
closing ourselves to god. We can start it by starting our activity by greeting,
especially greeting in moslem view. We also should do everything what god
really want.
Anwar Rifa’i
Mathematics Education 2012
Muhammad soul is always in our heart. From him we are
created. Muhammad soul is core of our light heart. From article above I
remember that Muhammad is the best human in this world for after ever. Muhammad
is a messenger, who will save us from the hell. Personally I never imagine can
see Muhammad face, but I think if we want to follow his tenet, we will reach
the heaven.
Anwar Rifa’i
Mathematics Education 2012
From passage above I know that Sincerity and Philosophy have
relation. Philosophy in thinking dimension is sincerity so sincerity and
Philosophy are the same. If we want to think out about everything actually we
are using Philosophy. The main of the thinking is a question. Question will
lead us to our knowledge, so the best one is keep our curiosity.
Anwar Rifa’i
Mathematics Education 2012
Allah SWT is the perfect one. Allah is the only one who can
do anything, but human have their limit. We often meet arrogance human who
think he can do anything. In fact human can not give explanation about mirage. His
arrogant just guide him to his fault, so I think as a human we should not be
Anwar Rifa’i
Mathematics Education 2012
Quiet and crowd can’t be separated. Even though they have
contradictory meaning they are completing each other. There is no quiet without
crowd and there is no crowd without quiet. It is very important to us that
everything in this world have relationship and they live in harmony.
Anwar Rifa’i
Mathematics Education 2012
I think every human have their own problem. As a human,
absolutely we will feel worried, nervous, happy etc. Allah give us feeling to
make us strong and not to be weak. In fact human use their feeling to be a weak
one. They can use their nervous to be motivation to improve themselves. So I
think if human can’t use their sad feel to improve themselves, it’s good if
human want to be confident and to be a good people.