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Sunday, 16 June 2013

refleksi 21

Anwar Rifa’i
Mathematics Education 2012
In every contest there is a winner. We all know that if there is a winner there are people who not win. As a human we just can make a struggle and pray. The result is on the Allah’s hand. Allah is the only one who can determine who the winner. I think the proses is more important at all, because the proses will make us to be a good one.
Anwar Rifa’i
Mathematics Education 2012

Praying is very important to every people. Praying can make us close to our God. in fact there are many people who can’t do solemn praying. From article above I know that dzikir can help us fight the devil, so we can do solemn praying. The important thing that we must do to reach that is clean our heart from everything that can call the devil. Our heart have two door, they are light door and devil door. If we want to  do solemn praying, we must close that door.
Anwar Rifa’i
Mathematics Education 2012

Personally I think that heart and main should work together. Our main will do what we want, and heart will guide us to the right way. From article above I learn that every human don’t have a power to do anything. All is determined by Allah. All human’s pray to god will never to be a reality without God permission. But if we want to our pray come true we should clean our heart first and also improve our attitude.

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