1 Elegi Sang Bagawat Menggapai Kesempatan
Anwar Rifa’i
Mathematics Education 2012
never wasted an opportunity. because the opportunity only comes
once in life. I
think the opportunity should
be best utilized. other than that
a man should never
do anything that is not useful,
use the time as well as possible.
2. Elegi
Memahami Elegi
Anwar Rifa’i
Mathematics Education 2012
From article above I know that the proses of study is very
important. The proses of our study will give us experience to solve our problem
in our life. Even though the method just like not important but I believe one
day everything that we now learn will bring benefit to us.
3. Anwar Rifa'i
Mathematics Education 2012
From link above I know that Nominalism is a refusal. Refusal
of universe and refusal of abstract thing. And the contrary is realism that say
that there are abstract thing in this word.
Anwar Rifa'i
Mathematics Education 2012
wikipedia I know that Fictionalism is a view in philosophy according to which the statement appears to the description of the world should not
be interpreted as such, but rather should be
understood as a case of "make
believe", pretending to treat something that is literally true
Anwar Rifa'i
Mathematics Education 2012
From Wikipedia I know that perfectionism is the persistence of the
will to obtain optimal quality of spiritual, mental, physical, and material.
The neo-AristotelianThomas Hurka describes perfection as follows: The moral
theory starts from an explanation of the good life, or the life intrinsically
desirable. And it characterizes this life in a different way certain
properties, he said, is the definitive human nature or humanity-to make human
life which is good.