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Saturday, 29 November 2014

Disease Control Catfish

Disease catfish is similar to the disease found in other freshwater fish. Disease that usually attacks consist of infectious diseases caused by fungi, protozoa, bacteria and viruses. Here are some catfish disease caused by infection:

White spot disease (white spot), the cause is a protozoan of the type Ichthyphyhirius multifillis. This disease affects nearly all species of freshwater fish. In many attacking seed catfish. White spots growing on the surface of the skin and gills. When exposed to the fish will be rubbing his body to the wall or bottom of the pool. Peyakit catfish are triggered by poor water quality, water temperature is too cold and high stocking density of fish. To prevent the fish are not exposed to white spot,

maintain the water temperature in the range of 28oC and use good water quality. Treatment for this type of disease catfish, among others, by immersing the fish in formalin solution 25 cc per cubic meter of water coupled with a green malacit 0.15 grams per cubic meter of water for 24 hours. In catfish which was great, the disease can also be eliminated by moving the fish to the pond with a temperature of 28oC.

Itch (Trichodiniasis) is caused by the protozoan Trichodina sp types. Symptoms of catfish Trichodiniasis is visible limp fish, body color dull and often rub-rub his body to the wall and bottom of the pool. The disease is transmitted catfish due to direct contact and also through the intermediary of water. Fish density is too high and the lack of oxygen was allegedly sparked development. Catfish disease can be prevented by adjusting the density of stocking and maintaining water quality. This disease can be removed by soaking the fish in a solution of 40 ppm formalin for 12-24 hours.

Aeromonas hydrophila attack. Diseases caused by bacteria catfish this causes the fish belly bulging lymph fluid, swelling at the base of the fin and extensive physical injuries fish. Catfish factors triggering this disease is the buildup of residual feed rotting at the bottom of the pool. To prevent this, try feeding more precise and maintain the water temperature of 28oC. The most common treatment in fish seed is the antibiotic oxytetracycline (OTC). You do this by mixing OTC with feed, a dose of 50 mg per kg of feed. Give for 7-10 days. If the disease is attacking catfish rearing ponds, pond water change twice a day. At the time of replacement of water, add salt at a dose of 100-200 grams per cubic meter.

Cotton Diseases wall disease, the cause Flexibacter Columnaris bacteria. These bacteria attack the internal organs such as gills. The resulting symptoms are happening cuts or abrasions on the surface of the body, there is a layer of white or white spots, swimming movements slow and many fish floating. The prime mover is the decomposition of food remains the bottom of the pool and the water temperature rises too high. Prevention by controlling the feeding and maintaining the water temperature at 28oC. If there is more budget, give the vaccine in fish seed. Catfish weeks to treat the disease is to provide OTC 50 mg per kg of feed given 7-10 days. Alternatively, soak the fish in OTC solution at a dose of 3-5 ppm for 12-24 hours. Catfish that antibiotics can only be consumed after two weeks.

Diseases due to attack Channel catfish virus (CCV). The virus is classified into the herpes virus. Infected fish looks weak, swim around in circles, often vertical upright on the surface, and the fin section and stomach bleeding. Factors triggering the disease catfish are fluctuations in water temperature, water quality degradation and high stocking density. To prevent this virus attack is to improve the management of aquaculture, maintaining cleanliness of the pool and feeding quality. Treatment of fish which have been infected with this strain is not yet known. But the disease catfish can recover by improving hygiene such as replacing water pond fish pond to look recover.

In addition to disease catfish above, there are also a number of diseases are not caused by an infection, but are caused by environmental conditions, such as poisoning and so forth. Here are some non-infectious diseases are important to know in raising catfish:

Jaundice (jaundice), the disease is a result of an error of feed nutrients. The causes of poor quality feed, as has expired or feed is stored in a humid place so that the feed is broken. Some information says jaundice can be caused by administration of trash fish offal or continuously. Another statement said the attack of jaundice could come if the pool water is widely available in red algae.

Intestinal rupture or Reptured Intestine Syndrome (RIS). Catfish disease is evident from the typical symptoms that rupture of the intestine. The cause is excessive feeding. Catfish is a voracious fish, feed whatever we give will be eaten by that will solve the middle or back of the intestine. To avoid this, do the settings effective feeding. Catfish feed requirement per day is 3-6% of body weight and must be given gradually, morning, afternoon, evening or night.

Vitamin deficiency, vitamin deficiency is most often the catfish is a lack of vitamin C. This vitamin deficiency
resulted in the fish's body bent and cracked skull. If this looks like a fish diseases, provide vitamin mix sold in the market. Dosisinya 1 gram per kg of catfish feed given for 5-7 days.

Poisoning disease, the disease is caused by environmental factors such as water contaminated with pesticides, or due to other industrial chemicals. For menanggulanginnya, try replacing the minimum pool water as much as 20% every two times a day.

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