Pests and diseases goldfish is one of the risk factors that must be pressed cultivation or eliminated. Pests and diseases can result in a decrease in productivity, causing crop failures which could potentially erode profits.
Although equally disturbing cultivation, pest and disease control how different. Pests usually a type of organism that has the potential to prey on, interfere and compete with fish. Carving body can be larger or smaller than farmed fish.
While the definition of the disease is a physiological phenomenon in fish which causes growth retardation or death. These symptoms may be caused by a parasitic organism or poor environmental conditions.
Pests goldfish
Pests carp many kinds ranging from large like otters, snakes, frogs, lizards, birds, to small organisms such as larvae, ticks, and other insects. Pest species can be divided into prey (predator), competitors (competitors) and a bully.
Pest predators typically interfere with cultivation by attacking directly fish for food. Pests competitors interfere cultivation by taking resources (such as food, space, water, air, etc.) to grow and develop fish, so fish farming compete and marginalized by the pest. While typically destructive pests such as leaking pond aquaculture habitat or become vectors.
Of the many types of pests, which is most often a problem in the cultivation of carp including the following:
a. Bebeasan (Notonecta)
Prevention: fine sieve pairs of wire or gauze at the entrance of water. Fine filter can prevent seeds and eggs bebeasan into the pond.
Eradication: The spark kerosene on the surface of the pool water. The amount of kerosene needed 5 cc / m2 surface area of the pool. Bebeasan will die when kerosene into the respiratory system.
b. Ucrit (larvae cybister)
Prevention: clean the pool and the surrounding environment of the organic material. In addition, the installation of the filter in the inlet door pool with a fine wire can prevent these pests into the pond.
Eradication: do arrest Ucrit manually, can use tools seser or drain with fine netting. If the arrest can not be, a solution was finally able to use kerosene. Spray kerosene to the surface of the pool with the same dose to eradicate bebeasan.
c. catfish
Prevention: drying bottom of the pool to dry before starting fish farming will suppress the development of catfish. Catfish can be prevented from entering into the pool to install the filter of the fibers in the meeting. Sieve fibers prevents eggs, fish and fish seed mature cork to get into the pool.
Eradication: catfish can be taken by way of provocation, provide feedback in the form of small fish or frogs.
d. Eels and crabs
Belur and crabs are pest and sometimes become predators of fish. These pests are usually spoil dike or levee pond by making a hole, so that the pool be leaking.
Countermeasures eels and crabs done mechanically. Eels can be fished directly from the hole. Usually eel going out at night. As for fishing crab out of its hole, can be sprinkled with rice husk.
e. Frogs and snakes
Frogs and snakes usually prey on fish seed size. Snake effectively prevented by immediate arrest. While the frog can be prevented by keeping the pool and diligent cleaning of the pool frog eggs.
f. linsang
Ata otter otters are carnivorous fish eaters. These animals are very voracious and can eat large fish. Otters usually affects fish pond adjacent to the river, lake or swamp.
To prevent this is by installing a bamboo branch in the pool or fence off the pond. Installing lighting at night to help prevent attacks otters.
Diseases goldfish
There are two things that cause the fish sick, the poor environmental conditions and pathogenic organisms. Diseases caused by environmental usually come because of malnutrition, poor water quality or toxicity of hazardous substances. The disease is usually not contagious.
While the disease is caused by a pathogenic organism called infectious diseases, because potentially contagious from one fish to another fish. This infectious disease can dibebakan by viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and other parasites.
One way to control the disease goldfish is to identify the contributing factors. Some diseases that often attack the cultivation of carp is as follows.
a. White spots (White spots)
White spots caused by ichthyophthirius multifiliis, a group of class ciliate protozoa. Symptoms: slimy white spots on the body surface and gills, fish movements slow and difficult breathing. In the heavy phase caused bleeding on the fins and closed mucus. The fish move slowly and come to the surface water.
Prevention: maintaining water quality, keep the pool water circulation flowing continuously.
Treatment: the division or proliferation phase protozoa no effective cure. In addition to the phase can be treated with methylene blue soaked in a solution of 1% (1 g in 100 cc of water). Take 2-4 cc mix in 4 liters of water. Soaking for 24 hours. Or soak in a solution of common salt (NaCl) for 10 minutes. Dose of 1-3 grams of salt per 100 cc of water.
b. Swollen gills and body
Caused by myxospores, a type of spores produced by mycobacteria. Fish of this disease symptoms are always open gills are red bumps, on the back bleeding.
Prevention: dry and drying pond before cultivation begins. Give quicklime when tillage bottom of the pool with a dose of 200 g / m2. Until now there has been no effective drugs membrantas this disease.
c. Worms gills and skin
Caused by a kind of worm organisms, namely skin worms (Gyrodactylus) and gill worms (Dactylogyrus). Symptoms of the disease seen in the gills, bleeding and thickening. Fish seen rubbing his body on the base or wall of the pool, fins sometimes fall out, the fish looked thin, opaque scales.
Countermeasures: soaked in formalin solution of 250 g / m3 of water for 15 minutes. Or immersed in methylene blue 3 g / m3 for 24 hours.
d. Fish lice (argulosis)
Symptoms: the presence of red spots on the fins, skin and gills. Terlihar bony fish because the fish lice absorb blood.
Treatment: the infected fish soaked in a solution of common salt (NaCl) at a dose of 20 grams / liter of water for 15 minutes.