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Sunday, 3 March 2013

Problem of Mathematics Teaching

        The main problem of mathematics teaching is how the teachers are able to innovate mathematics teaching. Generally teacher use traditional teaching method. That method can be identified from the teacher behavior and the student behavior. In this method, teacher makes his position as the only one resource of the teaching learning proses. He doesn’t give chance to his students to learn by themselves. He positions his students as the empty bottle that he fulfills with his knowledge. 
           That condition make the students are passive. They listen what their teacher say and do nothing. That way we often see the students are sleepy in the class. We also often see the students just respond what the stimulus that given by the teacher. For example if the teacher smiles, the students will follow to smile. And if their teachers are sullen the student will be sullen to. Mainly, there are various methods in teaching learning proses that can be used by the teacher. There are many tools that can be used to illustrate the material in teaching proses. There are also many resources that can be used to support the teaching learning proses. Nowadays students can access knowledge from everywhere and every time.
           So that, the teachers should trust that their students can study by themse However until this time, there are many teacher still use the traditional method in teaching proses. It happens, because the teachers have been influenced by the culture of the traditional teaching proses. Actually, the teacher should trust his students to find their own knowledge. The teachers should perceive their students as seed that can grow up with his ability. And not position their students as the empty bottle. So that, the students will have the ability to study individu In fact, it is not easy to implement the innovative teaching method in the school. Because our culture still use the traditional method. 
          Usually the teachers are trapped in the dilemma between implement the innovative teaching method and that culture. The headmaster perceptions also influence the implement of the innovative method. As the leader of the school headmaster want his school gets good rank. Because of that, he forces the teacher to use the traditional method in teaching learning proses. Many students are depressed. They perceive that mathematics is the most difficult subject at all. They scare about mathematics. Actually, this problem not come from the young but come from the adult. It is the result of the traditional teaching method. The teachers force the student too much. Students didn’t have a chance to improve their creativity. In fact, every student has different skill that cannot predictable. So that, it is important to the teacher to know about the nature of all aspect in teaching learning of mathematics. For example: the nature of school mathematics and the students learning mathematics. Because, all of that will help the teacher in teaching leaning proses. Mainly there are two mathematics, there are: Formal Mathematics School Mathematics Axiomatic Mathematics - Mathematics is a search of pattern and relationship Pure Mathematics - Mathematics is a problem solving activity. - Mathematics is investigation activity. Mathematics is the means of communication. Formal mathematics or axiomatic mathematics or pure mathematics is used in university level, and school mathematics is used in pre elementary, elementary school, junior and senior high school. Generally there is teacher that uses the pure mathematics in school. It makes the students depressed and perceives that mathematics very difficult. However the school mathematics is more suitable to be used in school than the pure mathematics. In the school, it is not called mathematics if there is no search of pa of pattern and relationship. It is not called mathematics if there is no a problem solving activity. It is not called mathematics if there is no investigation activity. And it is not mathematics if we can communication well after we study mathematics. Prudential in realistic math ever show that there is an iceberg of mathematics.
          In field, many teachers don’t understand that concepts. They usually use the formal mathematics in teach the elementary students. That problem make the student can’t understand well the concept of mathematics because the student not yet ready to accept that. Not only that the students usually also lose their intuition in mathematics.

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