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Sunday, 16 June 2013

Refleksi 41


Anwar Rifa'i
Mathematics Education 2012
Connectionism is a movement in cognitive science which hopes to explain human intellectual abilities using artificial neural networks (also known as 'neural networks' or 'neural nets'). Simplified neural network model of the brain consists of a large number of units (analog neurons) together with weights that measure the strength of connections between units.



Anwar Rifa'i
Mathematics Education 2012

Constructivism is the foundation of thinking (philosophy) contextual learning is that knowledge is built by humans bit by bit. One theory or idea which is very famous related to constructivism learning theory is Piaget's theory of mental development. This theory is also called the theory of intellectual development.



Anwar Rifa'i
Mathematics Education 2012

From link above I know that consequentialism. A theory that answers "what should we do", in view of the consequences of many-answers. This means that should be considered is the ethical consequences that bring most profitable thing, above all things harmful.

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